Social Value Climate Change

Redmoor Health is committed to climate change through our social value priorities.


Effective stewardship of the environment

Redmoor Health is committed to identifying and delivering opportunities to remove or reduce any negative environmental impacts.  Our Environmental Sustainability Policy covers carbon footprint, waste, recycling and re-use, transport, and sustainable procurement. The policy applies to employees directly employed by Redmoor Health, those employed via agencies, contractors in terms of employment and volunteers.

We recognise that in our day-to-day operations we inevitably influence the local, regional, and global environment in different ways, and we work to minimise the potentially harmful effects of our activities wherever and whenever possible. We are committed to the principles of sustained improvement of the environmental impact of our business activities and seek to achieve the following environmental objectives.

Regarding the use of motor vehicles in connection with the business – to reduce the environmental impact of car use, Redmoor Health:

  • Encourages use of public transport, where practical, together with car sharing
  • Ensures employees are aware of the fuel consumption and emissions of vehicles
  • Encourages all staff to have their vehicles properly serviced and maintained to achieve optimum operating efficiency.

Where practicable we will:

  • Reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessity trips only
  • Promote the use of travel alternatives such as email, video/phone conferencing
  • Make additional efforts to accommodate the needs of those using public transport or bicycles

To minimise the adverse environmental impact associated with the activities conducted in our office, Redmoor Health will:

  • Minimise the use of paper in the office
  • Where possible, prioritise reuse over recycling or disposal (i.e. office furniture)
  • Seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products and other consumables
  • Recycle all paper where possible
  • Evaluate the environmental impact of any new products we intend to purchase
  • Encourage the electronic transfer of data, information, and messages to reduce paper and toner usage

Redmoor Health monitor and review our core processes and this includes environmental issues. To reduce the environmental impact of goods and services we procure, we seek to ensure that all our suppliers are committed to their own Environmental Policy and this information is considered in approving suppliers. The performance of all suppliers is reviewed on at least an annual basis, and this includes consideration of relevant environmental matters.