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Social Media Managed Service

Redmoor provides a managed social media service that will help you develop a presence on popular social media platforms such as without the burden and pressures associated with managing social media channels.

This approach allows key messages around topics such as population health and important information to be effectively communicated with patients.

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We offer a wide range of services

Digital & Transformation Managed Service

Our Digital & Transformation Managed Service has been built to alleviate the difficulties of recruitment while offering PCNs a wealth of digital transformation knowledge and support.
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Digital Journey Planner

The DJP is an online self-assessment system for GP Practices. We developed the system with NHS England, to optimise general practice knowledge, understanding and processes, aiming to improve patient experience.
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Social Media Managed Service

Our team provides GP practices and Primary Care Networks with high quality patient social media communication, without the burden and pressures associated with managing social media channels.
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Communications Managed Service

Our team has a wide ranging skills set, possessing previous experience delivering strategic patient communications support as well as frontline PR and communications within the NHS.

Procurement Support

Our Procurement Support aims to help you deliver every aspect of a successful procurement process from initial exploration of tech solutions to the evaluation, selection and implementation of chosen suppliers.
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Training Courses

Our courses, available individually or as part of a bundle, are conducted through interactive live sessions led by experienced professionals. This ensures a practical and engaging learning experience tailored to meet the evolving needs of the NHS workforce.