Throughout 2024 we’re offering you a collection of ‘quick-wins’ which you can achieve by using The Digital Journey Planner. Each one will give you quick and valuable tips which could help with improving Capacity & Access for your practice. A new one will be released each month, so be sure to check back as our content grows.

Ordering repeat prescriptions via the NHS App


Google Business Profile


Appointments via the NHS App


Register with a GP Surgery Service


Setting up a test patient via the NHS app


Social Media top 10 tips


Smart Messaging


Appointment Policy


Wellbeing Top 10 Tips


Winter Pressures


Who's using the DJP?

The planner identifies the areas where change is required and provides the help and tools to do this. Without DJP it would be difficult to identify and implement the changes required for compliance.

The planner has helped us recognise that applications we don’t use and/or different ways of using them. The planner therefore saves us time in practice and makes us more efficient in our communications to patients.

Whilst we consider our Primary Care organisation and our PCN as forward thinking when it comes to utilising digital solutions and digital innovation, the Redmoor Health Digital Journey Planner was very helpful in objectively assessing the positive things we are doing and also maybe the areas that we had not considered. The online tool is straightforward and easy to navigate and I would recommend it to any Primary Care organisations wishing to embrace the digital future ahead of us.

I have found using the Digital Journey Planner really interesting and helpful.  It is short, easy to complete, has suggested new things for us to implement, and reassured us that we are doing many things right already.  The team at Redmoor Health have been very helpful if I was unsure about anything, and have taken on board possible amendments that could be made.

Our practices have recently completed these modules. Not too onerous and produces some actions to guide your focus. Big tick from me.

I would encourage all Practices, if you haven't already, to register for the Digital Journey Planner. It's an excellent resource, full of guidance and hints, and steers you on a much more structured path of our digital work.

Using the DJP has been very interesting and taught me things I hadn't thought of before. The team at Redmoor have been very helpful and are quick to respond whenever I have any questions. Highly recommended!

I am extremely and forever grateful to you, Stacey and Redmoor Team whose intervention has allowed Islington Medical Centre website to be up and running again: thank you ever so much!!!

We offer a wide range of services

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Digital Managed Service

The DMS provides ARRS funded digital and transformational support to practices and PCNs looking to develop through use of technology and system change. We understand that recruitment can be a real challenge.
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Digital Journey Planner

The DJP is an online self-assessment system for GP Practices. We developed the system with NHS England, to optimise general practice knowledge, understanding and processes, aiming to improve patient experience.
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Social Media Managed Service

Our team provides GP practices and Primary Care Networks with high quality patient social media communication, without the burden and pressures associated with managing social media channels.
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Communications Managed Service

Our team has a wide ranging skills set, possessing previous experience delivering strategic patient communications support as well as frontline PR and communications within the NHS.

Procurement Solutions

Our Procurement Solutions aims to help you deliver every aspect of a successful procurement process from the initial exploration of tech solutions and local requirements to the evaluation, selection and implementation of chosen suppliers.
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Training Courses

Our courses, available individually or as part of a bundle, are conducted through interactive live sessions led by experienced professionals. This ensures a practical and engaging learning experience tailored to meet the evolving needs of the NHS workforce.