Goodinge Group Practice

Redmoor Health was contacted by The Goodinge Group Practice to support with the review of their website to improve access for their patients. The Goodinge Group Practice are a practice in Islington with 12,500 registered patients.


Redmoor Health was contacted by Goodinge Group Practice to support with the review of their website to improve access for their patients. Goodinge Group Practice are a practice in Islington with 12,500 registered patients.

Website URL:

Website review:

We scheduled a call with the key members of staff and prior to the meeting ran a manual audit of their website against the Healthwatch recommended criteria, the results are below:

*Although they did not display the practice email address on their website, there was a facility for patients to contact the practice via a contact form on the website which would go directly to the practice email.

There wasn’t a translation button on the practice website which was highlighted to the practice so they could raise this with the supplier.

Manual audit:

We undertook a further manual audit on the practice website prior to the call, so that we were able to provide some additional suggestions as to how they could improve access for patients.

Please click the link to see the report below:

Click to open report

The report highlighted that the practice website was missing some additional key functionality that would provide a greater user experience:

  • Accessibility feature
  • Online consultation – although this function was available on the website, it wasn’t clear (see screenshot below)
  • My Planned Care
  • NHS 111/Services near you
  • NHS Number Finder

Online Consultation

When reviewed from a patient perspective, we felt the link (left) was unclear and would potentially result in increased calls to the practice. We suggested that the practice review the wording of the link or add an underline to make it more recognisable.

Next Steps

The Goodinge Group Practice found the 1:1 session with Redmoor Health helpful and they have received the results of both audits as well as guidance for adding certain features to their website.

The practice were unaware of some of the features that could be added to their website, they were particularly keen to add the ‘My Planned Care’ feature for patients to be signposted to following a referral.

The practice would like to improve pathways for patients who use their website for enquiries regarding test results and requesting prescriptions and therefore Redmoor Health have agreed to look at other websites for examples of best practice and will feedback their findings to the practice team.

"Thanks for this, your input was great, and it was really useful to have this for review and we will certainly make the adjustments. It was plenty of food for thought."

Kate IvesPractice Manager

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